Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The first & last store that we visited yesterday was Whole Foods. Its a wonder that anybody goes out in this city with such good supermarkets on your doorstep. Boy, how quickly our lives have changed!

Somehow we managed to drag ourselves away from there and headed for Brooklyn via the Brooklyn Bridge. It took us about 2 hours to cross it as Carlota has worked out how to use the camera and literally took a picture every 2 metres.

Its supposed to be a bit warmer today so off to Central Park for biking. Yes Alex - in my running shorts of course. Yes Ramon - via many stores which i am quite sure would fill you with envy.

1 comment:

  1. Debajo del puente de Brooklyn hay una pizzería que fue votada como la mejor del 2005, es deliciosa. Está en la parte de Brooklyn, en la base del puente. Tiene mucho encanto y se comen unas pizzas de masa fina deliciosas.

    Por cierto, en diciembre nos vamos a Stockholm, te reservo billete de vuelta o no?

    Un saludo.
